Most people are completely unaware of the bargains that can be found in the most unlikely of places: the government! We're used to reading about the Pentagon paying $59.00 for a wrench, about the national debt rising higher and higher, so it's excusable to not think of government and "sales" in the same sentence. 
Yet nearly every level of government from city and town on up through county, state and federal, has possession of excess property that must be disposed of. If this can be accomplished and money raised at the same time, why not? We want government to be fiscally responsible, right? 
The most common method of parting with this overage of property is through auction sales. These affairs offer a unique opportunity to the right person–– purchases at bargain basement prices which you can turn around and sell at a profit! The money to be made staggers the imagination. 
From property seized by police officers or customs officials to repossessions by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, there are thousands of items of all types available at rock–bottom prices. Whether you're merely buying for yourself or seeing this as a line of business that could make you a substantial profit, the key is to identify and locate these auctions. 
You name it! Houses, cars, jewelry, yachts, government farm equipment, computers, firewood–– it's there for the bidding… and the buying! And, eventually–– the selling for profit!
You don't need much experience for this. You are familiar with what many of these items cost today on the open market. If you buy it far enough below market value, you can still sell the property yourself at a discount and make a handsome profit. 
If you yourself have always wanted to own a luxury yacht, here's your chance. You'll never find your dream purchase at a lower price. 
You could even start a second–hand store or set up shop at a flea market or swap shop to peddle your merchandise after you've acquired it. Many of these places are havens for shoppers. You've simply gone them one better by obtaining the good(s) at an even lower price than they'll pay–– and they’ll be pleased with their "bargain". The purpose of our booklet is to point you in the right direction to find out about the various auctions that are held by virtually all branches of government. The listings in this book are as up to date as possible. Contacting these places listed should give you the information you need to begin your auction attendance. 
There are open–bidding auctions, where you shout out the dollar value you're willing to pay following a minimum bid requirement called by the auctioneer. There are also sealed–bid auctions where you submit the price you're willing to pay. You get only one shot at that type of bidding. 
Be careful with the open bid auctions. You can become so focused on a particular piece of property that you end up in a "bidding war" that ends up with your paying more than you should and cutting well into your eventual profit. Be disciplined! Set a dollar limit ahead of time so that you can let certain items go if the bidding goes too high. This is a business now, 
so common money sense is important. You must now think in terms of expenses vs. revenue. 
If you have a certain hobby or interest, property in this area may be your natural market. If you specialize, it can help you concentrate on only those items in the large auction areas where there are hundreds of people bidding for thousands of goods. Your focus will be in your area and you'll soon be an expert on costs, prices and resale’s of this commodity. Auctions can be hyped up–– to the point of temptation to overbid. Don't do it! Remember your goal, your budget and your knowledge of what things cost and you'll do very well. Through the contacts listed in this booklet, you will find yourself on a regular mailing list of 
government auctions. Often, with the notice, you'll receive a catalogue of the items to be sold and approximately what time they'll be auctioned. This will allow you to budget your time wisely at these affairs and not get lost in the shuffle. 

Alabama Surplus Property 
P.O. Box 210487 
Montgomery, AL 36121 
(205) 277–5866 
Alabama auctions offer a variety of goods usually three times a year. Items: office equipment, cars, farm machinery, trucks, boats, tractors and more. There is a mailing list you can be placed on. 

Surplus Property Management Office 
2400 Viking Drive 
Anchorage, AK 99501 
(907) 279–0596 
It's best to call the Juneau office (907) 465–2172 to be placed on their mailing list. There are weekly auctions of smaller items like furniture and office equipment and spring and fall auctions for larger items like cars. 

Office of Surplus Property 
1537 W. Jackson Street 
Phoenix, AZ 85007 
(602) 542–5701 
Auctions held four times per year. Items: computers, cars, furniture and thousands of other pieces. Mailing list is available. 

State Marketing & Redistribution Office 
6620 Young Rd. 
Little Rock, AR 72209 
(501) 565–8645 
Mailing list available. Both regular and sealed bid auctions are held. Weekly events. 

Office of Fleet Administration 
1416 10th Street 
Sacramento, CA 95814 
(916) 657–2318 
Open bid auctions once a month of surplus vehicles on Saturdays at Sacramento or Los Angeles. Mailing list. 

Department of Correctional Industries 
State Surplus Agency 
4200 Garfield Street 
Denver, CO 80216
(303) 321–2200 
Several auctions per year. Mailing list is available. Non–profit organizations have first choice. 

60 State St. Rear 
Wethersfield, CT 06109 
(203) 566–7018 (or 7190) 
Eight to ten auctions per year. Vehicles usually auctioned on the second Saturday of the month. Registration fee. 

Division of Purchasing Surplus Property 
P.O. Box 299 
Delaware City, DE 19706 
(302) 834–4550 
In May and September, there are public auctions of vehicles, office furniture and other surplus property. Mailing list is available. 

Department of Public Works 
5001 Shepard Parkway 
Washington, DC 20032 
(202) 404–1068 
Vehicle auctions held the first and third Tuesday of the month. No mailing list. Registration fee. 

Department of Management Services 
813A Lake Bradford Road 
Tallahassee, FL 32304 
(904) 488–5272 
This address is a "retail" store with items available for sale. Motor Vehicle Bureau (904) 488–5178 holds vehicle auctions once a month at various locations throughout the state. 

Department of Administrative Services 
Purchasing Division, Surplus Property 
1050 Murphy Avenue, S.W. 
Atlanta, GA 30310 
(404) 756–4800 
Several auctions per year, held on the third Wednesday of the month chosen. Mailing list. Items: vehicles, shop equipment, typewriters, computers, copiers and more. 

No state surplus auctions. 

Division of Purchasing
(208) 327–7465 
Idaho's state agencies hold their own auctions. You must contact the specific state agency directly. Auctions advertised in newspaper. 

Central Management Services 
Division of Property Control 
3550 Great Northern Ave. 
Springfield, IL 62707 
(217) 793–1813 
Auctions held at Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield two or three times per year on Saturdays. Mailing list available for $20/year. Items: desks, chairs, calculators, cameras, refrigerators and more. 

State Surplus Property Section 
229 W. New York Street 
Indianapolis, IN 46202 
(317) 232–0134 
Auctions held as needed each year. No mailing list, but contact this office in May for a schedule. 

Department of Natural Resources 
Wallace State Office Bldg. 
Des Moines, IA 50319 
(515) 281–5121 
Auction is second Saturday of May for items such as boats, fishing rods, tackle boxes and hunting equipment. The Vehicle Dispatchers Garage holds vehicle auctions three to four times per year. Call (515) 281–5121. 

State Surplus Property 
P.O. Box 19226 
Topeka, KS 66619–0226 
(913) 296–2334 
Many items left over for sale following offering to state agencies. Contact office for information on events. 

Office of Surplus Property 
514 Barrett Avenue 
Frankfurt, KY 40601 
(502) 564–4836 
Saturday auctions every two to three months as needed. Items: vehicles, desks, chairs, couches, beds, lawnmowers, etc. Mailing list is available.

Division of Administration 
Louisiana Property Assistance Agency 
P.O. Box 94095
Baton Rouge, LA 70804–9095 
(504) 342–6849 
Auctions held on the second Saturday of each month at 1502 N. 17th St. Items: medical and office equipment, boats, bicycles, televisions, vehicles and more. 

Office of Surplus Property 
Station 95 
Augusta, ME 04333 
(207) 289–5750 
Public auctions five to six times per year. Primarily vehicles. No mailing list. 

Department for Surplus Property 
P.O. Box 122 
8037 Brock Bridge Rd. 
Jesup, MD 20794 
No public auctions. Address above is a "retail" store for surplus property. 

State Purchasing Agency 
Department of Procurement & General Services 
Surplus Property 
One Ashburton Place 
Boston, MA 02108 
(617) 727–7500 
Public auctions six times per year, usually on Saturdays. Vehicles primarily. No mailing list. 

Department of Management & Budget 
State Surplus Property 
P.O. Box 30026 
Lansing, MI 48913 
(517) 335–8444 
Mailing list. Several auctions per year. Items: office furniture, household goods, machinery, livestock, vehicles and more. 

Surplus Operations Office 
5420 Highway 8 
New Brighton, MN 55112 
(612) 639–4022 
About 15 auctions per year held around the state. Items include vehicles, boats and 
snowmobiles along with jewelry, furniture, computers, stereos and more. Mailing list. 

Bureau of Surplus Property 
P.O. Box 5778 
Jackson, MS 39288 
(601) 939–2050 
Two to three auctions per year of machinery and vehicles. Mailing list. 

Surplus Property Office 
Materials Management Section 
P.O. Drawer 1310 
Jefferson City, MO 65102 
(314) 751–3415 
Regular auctions held throughout the year. Items: clothing, office equipment, and vehicles. Mailing list. 

Property and Supply Bureau 
930 Lyndale Avenue 
Helena, MT 59620 
(406) 444–4514 
One auction a year for vehicles. Mailing list. Other property auctioned the second Friday of each month. 

Office of Administrative Services 
Material Division, Surplus Property 
P.O. Box 94901 
Lincoln, NE 68509 
(402) 479–4890 
Auctions held three to four times per year. Items: office furniture, computers, couches and more. Separate vehicle auctions held. Mailing list. 

State Purchasing Division 
Kinkead Bldg. 400 Capitol Complex 
Carson City, NV 89710 
(702) 687–4070 
Second Saturday in August at 2250 Barnett Way, Reno, Nevada, 89512. Separate sealed bid auction mailing list is available, too. You must bid at least once over two to three auctions or you'll be dropped from the list. 

Office of Surplus Property 
78 Regional Drive Building 
Concord, NH 03301 
(603) 271–2126 
Two auctions per year of vehicles and other property. Mailing list. 

Purchase and Property 
Distribution Center 
Trenton, NJ 08625 
(609) 530–3300 
State vehicle auctions as needed. Mailing list. 

Highway & Transportation Department 
P.O. Box 1149 
Santa Fe, NM 87504 
Last Saturday in September. Vehicles and office equipment. Mailing list. 

Office of General Service 
Bureau of Surplus Property 
Bldg. #18, Harriman State 
Office Bldg. Campus 
Albany, NY 12226 
(518) 457–6335 
Frequent auctions around the state. Sold by category. Mailing list. 

State Surplus Property 
P.O. Box 33900 
Raleigh, NC 27636 
(919) 733–3889 
Sealed bid auctions. Mailing list. Warehouse available to inspect items. 

Surplus Property Office 
P.O. Box 7293 
Bismarck, ND 58507 
(701) 224–2273 
Annual auction each September. Items: vehicles, office furniture and equipment. Auction 
is advertised two days in advance. 

State and Federal Surplus Property 
4200 Surface Road 
Columbus, OH 43228 
(614) 466–5052 
Public auctions and sealed bid sales several times per year. Mailing list. Items: vehicles, office machines, furniture and more. 

Central Purchasing Department 
Central Services, B–4, State Capitol 
Oklahoma City, OK 73105 
(405) 521–3046 
Several auctions throughout the year. $10 gets you on a mailing list. 

Department of General Services 
Surplus Property 
1655 Salem Industrial Dr., 
N.E. Salem, OR 97310 
(503) 378–4714
Public auctions held every Friday of items such as vehicles, desks, computers, snow plows, horse trailers and more. 

General Services Department 
Bureau of Vehicle Management 
2221 Forster Street 
Harrisburg, PA 17105 
(717) 783–3132 
Vehicle auctions at least ten times per year. Mailing list. Bureau of Supplies. (717–787–4083) also auctions numerous items. Mailing list available. 

Department of Administration 
Division of Purchase 
1 Capitol Hill 
Providence, RI 02908 
Rare public auctions, advertised in local papers. Sealed bids to a list of buyers of vehicles and office equipment. Call to see if you can get on the list. 

Surplus Property Office 
Division of General Services 
1441 Boston Avenue 
West Columbia, SC 29170 
(803) 822–5490 
Warehouse is at above address. Auctions held periodically. No mailing list. Public Transportation Office (803–737–1488) keeps a mailing list for its vehicle auctions held every five to six weeks. 

Bureau of Administration 
State Property Management 
701 East Sioux Avenue 
Pierre, SD 57501 
(605) 773–4935 
Two auctions per year, spring and fall. Vehicles. Mailing list. 

Department of General Services 
Property Utilization 
6500 Centennial Blvd. 
Nashville, TN 37243 
(615) 741–1711 
Periodic auctions of vehicles and assorted machinery. Mailing list. 

State Purchasing & General Services Commission 
P.O. Box 13047 Capitol Station 
Austin, TX 78711 
(512) 463–3445 
Every two months, auction of vehicles, office furniture, machines and highway equipment is held. Mailing list. 

State Surplus Office 
522 South 700 West 
Salt Lake City, UT 84104 
(801) 533–5885 
Auctions of vehicles, office furniture and heavy equipment are held four or five times per year. Mailing list. 

Central Surplus Property Agency 
RD #2 Box 520 
Montpelier, VT 05602 
(802) 828–3394 
Warehouse at Central Garage on Barre Montpelier Street. Items: office furniture and machines. Public auctions for vehicles in May and September. Mailing list. 

State Surplus Property 
P.O. Box 1199 
Richmond, VA 23231 
(804) 786–3876 
Regular auctions for all types of items including office equipment, computers, tractors, bulldozers and more. Mailing list. Cars auctioned twice a year. 

Office of Commodity Redistribution 
2805 C. St. SW Bldg. 5, Door 49 
Auburn, WA 98001 

Central warehouse open noon to 2:30 PM on Fridays. Cash only. 

State Agency Surplus Property 
2700 Charles Avenue 
Dunbar, WV 25064 
(304) 766–2626 
Auctions every month. Items: chairs, desks, telephones, computers and more. Mailing list. 

Department of Transportation 
P.O. Box 7396 
Madison, WI 53707 
(608) 266–3965 
Warehouse at Hill Farm Bldg., 4802 Sheboygan Avenue. Department of Administration (608–266–8024) holds public auctions every month for vehicles. Mailing list. 

State Motor Pool 
723 West 19th St. 
Cheyenne, WY 82002 
(307) 777–7247 
Periodic vehicle auctions. Mailing list.


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