
Weight Loss

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Burn The Fat - fat Loss Secrets of the World's Best Bodybuilders & Fitness Models


e-Nutrisystem.Com - Nutrisystem Weight Loss Program. Free Membership. Online Diet Community, tips & more.

Free Dieting - Reviews the web's most popular diet and weight loss resources, with emphasis on free offers.

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American Association of LifeStyle Counselors (AALC) - working in thefields of weight control and stress management.

AROH Publishing Company - nutritionist Kenny Loy gives biblical and scientific reasons for a return to the original diet.

Atkin's Center - uses an approach called Complementary Medicine to treat nutritional disorders and obesity. Established by Dr. Atkins.

Atlantic Surgical Associates - surgical treatment of morbid obesity through gastric bypass and gastroplasty.

Austin Healthcare - scientific approach to weight loss using the drug Redux.

Beverly Hills Weight Loss & Wellness Clinics - information about the clinics, their products, programs, and information about weight-loss issues.

Carbohydrate Addict, The - a program and support network by Dr. Richard and Rachael Heller.

Carol Hansen's Lighten Up

Clinique Nutrition Santé - learn about mental weight and how to lose weight permanently.

Cyber Cruise To Lose - internet cruise to help motivate and inspire people on their weight loss journey.

Diet Magic Now - offers basic, advanced, and total weight loss programs, including products in tablet and liquid form, and an invitation to start your own business.

eDiets - online diet clinic that provides custom weight loss management and dieting programs.

Family Nutrition & Weight Loss Center

Form You 3 Weight Loss Centers - offers programs for weight reduction and management, diet products, and franchise opportunities.

Kind Care Medical Center - specializing in obesity treatment.

Learn Education Center - trains and educates anyone who needs counseling in weight management, weight loss, stress management or eating disorders.

Mermaid Enterprises - the autobiography of a woman who has maintained long-term successful weight loss afterlosing and gaining over 750 pounds in her lifetime.

MSO Weight Management Information - overview of obesity and its treatment.

Pacific Bariatric Surgical Medical Group (PBSMG) - offers surgical treatment for severe obesity.

Physicians Weight Loss Centers - diet catalog featuring specially formulated weight loss products, programs and services that impact weight management. Business opportunities available.

ProvenFit.com - offering personalized online nutrition and fitness programs, workout gallery, supplements, tips, message board, and more.

Structure House - spa specializing in long term weight loss success.

SurgiLite Medical Group - providing surgical intervention for the morbidly obese through vertical ring gastric bypass and vertical ring gastroplasty, or stomach stapling.

University Institute for the Surgery of Morbid Obesity (UNISMO) - provides treatment for the severely overweight by performing a gastric bypass procedure.

Weigh To Go! - offers professional advice, chat, products, and more.

Weight Loss Zone, The - offers a collection of resources and products.

Weight Management Centers - provides a educational, psychological, and behavioral program for permanent weight loss.

ZonePerfect.Com - official home of the zone diet.

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